Saturday, April 24, 2010

Seven-year-old girl says guard molested her

RAWANG: A seven-year-old girl has alleged that she was molested by a security guard working at her primary school in Batu Arang here.The Year One pupil alleged that the 64-year-old guard followed her to the bathroom and pinned her down before allegedly performing oral sex on her. The incident happened at about 12.30pm.

Gombak deputy OCPD Supt Rosly Hassan said the victim’s mother, a 32-year-old housewife, lodged a police report after her daughter returned to their Bandar Tasik Puteri home. “The guard is now on the run and we are hoping to pick him up soon for questioning,’’ he said. He said that the school principal had also lodged a police report. It was learnt that the girl was sent to the Selayang Hospital for a medical examination.

Supt Rosly said initial investigations also revealed that the guard was a stand-in and lived near the school in Bukit Nenas, Batu Arang. He said police were investigating the man’s background and whether he had any record of sexual offences. He added that the case was being investigated under Section 354 of the Penal Code for outraging of modesty.

Those with information on the case are urged to contact the nearest police station or call the Gombak police station at 03-6138 5222.

Source: TheStar Newspaper, 24 April 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Girl raped after being sprayed with liquid

A 19-YEAR-OLD girl was raped by a man who sprayed her with a liquid, causing her to fall off her motorcycle and break her arm, reported Harian Metro.

In the 1.45am incident on Monday, the teenager was riding pillion on the motorcycle driven by her friend near Jalan Pasir Pedamar in Teluk Intan when another motorcyclist drew up beside them, brandishing a spray can. The man sprayed them with liquid from the can, causing the friend to lose control of the motorcycle.

The girl, who was on her way home after helping her mother at her coffeeshop, broke her left arm in the accident, which also saw her friend suffering injuries to the body and leg.

Hilir Perak OCPD Supt Mohd Zaki Harun said the man then stopped near the girl but instead of helping her, began to molest her. He also threatened to hurt her with his helmet if she tried to fight back.

“Ignoring her cries of pain, the man then took her to a nearby public toilet and raped her,” he said. The girl walked home after the incident.

Source: TheStar Newspaper, 21 April 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Teen held over rape attempt

GEORGE TOWN: A 15-year-old boy was caught and beaten up by a security guard after he and an accomplice tried to rape a 28-year-old woman in a public toilet at the Komtar bus terminal here.

The woman, who works with an express bus company, had earlier gone to the first-floor toilet at around 9.15pm on Saturday when the two rushed in and threatened her with a knife. It is learnt that after demanding for her belongings to be handed over, they started fondling her private parts and threatened to kill her if she shouted for help.

However, when the woman spotted a male cleaner enter the toilet, she screamed, causing the duo to run off. A security guard, who waited at the exit after hearing the screams, managed to nab one of them.

Zainol Mat Saad said he hid behind an escalator to wait for the duo to run past him as it was near where the only exit was. “I managed to grab the boy but his accomplice ran off with the woman’s handbag,” said Zainol, who works with the same company as the woman, adding that the victim lost a handphone, necklace and RM50.

He said the boys might have been working in cahoots with another woman as the victim had told him that she only used the toilet when she saw the other woman enter it first. “But shortly after the woman left, the boys rushed in and closed the door,” he said. The victim lodged a report at the Patani Road police station.

George Town OCPD Asst Comm Gan Kong Meng said the boy, who was sent to the Penang Hospital for treatment, had been placed under remand for four days. “We are looking for a man and a woman to facilitate investigations,” he added. Komtar assemblyman Ng Wei Aik said he would ask the Penang Development Corp­oration to fix panic buttons at the toilets in Komtar. “We have installed 50 closed-circuit television cameras in the building but it is impossible to fix them near the toilets,” he said.

Chief executive officer to PDC Setia Urus, which manages Komtar, Sabarul Aswadi Abdul Jalil said he would check if any of the CCTV had captured images of the duo.

Source: TheStar Newspaper, 19 April 2010

Sex crimes on the rise

KUALA LUMPUR: The number of sex crimes in the country, including sodomy and incest, increased by almost 50% in five years since 2005.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said that last year, a total of 4,238 cases involving sex crimes were reported, compared with 2,427 cases in 2005. In 2006, a total of 2,943 cases were reported, followed by 3,689 in 2007 and 3,986 cases in 2008, he added.

However, he said, the number arrest for such offences during the period was 1,504 in 2005, 1,837 (2006), 2,649 (2007), 2,656 (2008) and 2,701 (2009), while the number of people charged for sex offences was 308 in 2005, 410 (2006), 304 (2007), 228 (2008) and 187 (2009). Hishammuddin said this in a written answer to a written question by Teresa Kok (DAP-Seputeh) in the Dewan Rakyat here on Monday. - Bernama

Source: TheStar Newspaper, 19 April 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Quote of the day

Procastination is the thief of time.

Joseph Heller

Snatch thief nabbed

NIBONG TEBAL: A 18-year-old drug addict was nabbed 15 minutes after snatching a gold chain and a cellphone from a woman in Sungai Bakap here on Saturday.

The youth was detained by a volunteer patrol team while trying to sell the items at a cellphone shop in Simpang Ampat here.Seberang Prai Selatan police chief Superintendent Shafien Mamat said the youth and an accomplice had snatched the items from the factory worker waiting for a feeder van at a bus stop near SJK (T) Ladang Valdor.

He said the two then stopped at the cellphone shop 15 minutes later. However, the shop owner sensed something amiss and alerted a local volunteer patrol team."The team apprehended the youth when the youth and his accomplice tried to run into some nearby bushes. "The accomplice managed to give them the slip," Shafien said.

Source: NST Malaysia, 5 April 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pregnant woman found dead next to lake

KUALA LUMPUR: A badly decomposed body of a pregnant woman was found with her 12-week-old foetus between her legs near the Tasik Perdana lake.

Police believe she had been strangled and her abdomen stomped on until the foetus came out. City police chief Deputy Comm Datuk Wira Muhammad Sabtu Osman said a passer-by who smelt a stench found the woman’s body beside the lake on Thursday at 6.20pm.

“Investigations showed that the woman, believed to be Indian, had been dead for at least five days. We found a scarf around her neck believed to have been used to strangle her. “Even more despicable is that she had been kicked and her abdomen stepped on several times until her foetus came out,” DCP Muhammad Sabtu said.

He added that the woman, aged between 35 and 40, could have been killed at another location. DCP Muhammad Sabtu said police had yet to determine her identity as she had no identification documents and the body was badly decomposed. The woman, who had several colourful beads on her neck, was about 170cm tall, had long curly hair and was wearing long pants.

Anyone who knows of a missing person matching the description can call the nearest police station or contact ASP Chua at 012-2291433.

Source: TheStar Newspaper, 18 Apr 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

Royal Malaysia Police Website

I just come to know that the website of Royal Malaysia Police contains some useful information about crime prevention. Do log into their website: to look for these information.

By knowing more about crime prevention, we can reduce the chances of being a victim of criminal.

Safety Checklist for Apartments

Check Out Your Apartment
Does Your —
(1) Entry door have a deadbolt lock and peephole?
(2) Sliding glass door have a wooden rod in the track so it can't be opened and pins in the overhead frame so it can't be lifted out?
(3) Landlord or building manager tightly control all keys?

For extra security, leave a radio playing or a light on while you are gone. Always tell neighbors and the building manager when you leave for a business trip or vacation.

Check Out Your Building
(1) Is there some kind of control over who enters and leaves the building?
(2) Are walkways, entrances, parking areas, elevators, hallways, stairways, laundry rooms, and storage areas well-lighted, 24 hours a day?
(3) Are fire stairs locked from the stairwell side about the ground floor, so you can exit but no one can enter?
(4) Are mailboxes in a well-traveled, well-lighted area and do they have good locks?
(5) Are things well maintained--are burnt-out lights fixed properly, shrubs trimmed, trash and snow removed?

Check Out the Neighbors
(1) Get to know your neighbors. Join or organize an Apartment Watch group so neighbors can look out for and help each other.
(2) If you live in a large building or complex, think about a tenant patrol that watches for crime around the building, provides escort services for the elderly and handicapped, and monitors coming and going in the lobby.
(3) Work with landlords to sponsor social events for tenants--a Sunday breakfast, a picnic, a movie day.
(4) Look beyond problems to root causes--does your building need a better playground, a social evening for teens, a tenant association, need landscaping?
(5) Work with the landlord for changes that make everyone proud of where they live.

Beware the property trap, Chong tells owners

KUALA LUMPUR: Do not break into your own property even if your tenant fails to pay the rent. It could be a trap. This was the warning given by MCA Public Services and Complaints Department head Datuk Michael Chong to landlords who were thinking of doing this to reclaim their property.

Chong said any move by a landlord to break into the property, even when the tenant failed to pay the rent, was against the law. He said many landlords had been brought to court by tenants for breaking into their properties and were sued for the loss of their tenants’ assets including cash. “This could be a trap laid by tenants who are looking for easy cash. They could be conmen,” Chong told a press conference at his office in Wisma MCA here yesterday. In the past three months, three such claims were made by tenants – all of them Malaysians – against their landlords.

Their claims amounted to a total of RM117,000 in cash and assets. During the same period, he said he received 12 complaints of tenants who failed to pay a total of RM57,000 in rent. Lawyer Leong Pak Yiew, who is a member of the department, advised landlords facing this problem to file for a distress order at a court. “Under this order, landlords will be able to legally seize the premises and the tenant’s rent will be recovered through auctioning all assets found within it,” he said. However, this process could take up to two months and might be costly in terms of legal and court fees.

Source: TheStar Newspaper, 16 April 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Quote of the day

Opportunity makes a thief.

Francis Bacon

Alleged burglar caught having sex with maid

A BANGLADESHI was thought to be a thief when he was seen entering a home in Butterworth. He obviously had other intentions. He was caught having sex with an Indonesian maid.

China Press reported that a neighbour saw him going in the house at about 11pm on Friday and assumed that he was a thief. Worried about the occupant’s safety, the daily said the neighbour called voluntary patrol team members for assistance.

At least 50 members and residents nearby showed up at the house. However, it was learnt that the 25-year-old Bangladeshi and the maid were having sex. He was brought back to his hostel nearby and later handed over to the police for action.

The daily also reported that the maid was hired to look after the house owner who was paralysed and staying alone. It also said female residents nearby had complained about their missing undergarments.

Source: TheStar Newspaper, 29 March 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Quote of the day

A thief believes everybody steals.

Edward W. Howe