Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Burglars gang-rape housewife

JOHOR BARU: Burglars broke into a house in Kangkar Pulai here early Sunday and gang-raped a housewife after tying up her family.The incident occurred at about 6am when the husband, who woke up to perform his prayers, discovered at least eight men inside his double-storey house.

The intruders, who had entered through an unlocked window at the back of the house, grabbed some knives from the kitchen and threatened the husband before waking up his wife and baby.
While the husband, in his 20s, was being bound, at least six of the robbers took the wife upstairs .

The woman, who is also in her 20s and studying at a local university, pleaded to them to release her. But they started beating her and threatened to kill. The robbers took turns to rape her.
The husband, who tried to put up a fight, was beaten up.

The robbers fled with some cash and electrical items while the husband rushed his wife to the hospital where a police report was lodged.
Police sources confirmed the incident adding that three men have been detained to assist in investigations.

Source: TheStar Newpaper Malaysia, 2nd March 2010

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